Sunday, 27 March 2016

A network perspective of the stock market

I wish to summarize the contents of a relatively old paper with the above title by authors Chi K. Tse, Jing Liu and Francis C.M. Lau.
It describes a nice method to construct stock market networks and also define new market indexes based on the same. The motivation for this article was derived from our recent lectures by Prof. Marsili in financial networks and the idea to understand some good methods as an extension to our course work.

Fluctuations of stock prices are not independent, but are highly inter-coupled with strong correlations with the business sectors and industries to which the stocks belong. Network models have been proposed for studying the correlations of stock prices. The usual approach involves a procedure of finding correlation between each pair of time series of stock prices, and a subsequent procedure of constructing a network that connects the individual stocks based on the levels of correlation. The resulting networks are usually very large and their analysis is rather complex.
The approach used by authors basically examines the time series of the daily stock prices and establish connections between any pair of stocks. If the cross correlation of the time series of the daily stock prices of two stocks is greater than a threshold (e.g. 0.9), we consider that the two stocks are “connected”.
Because power-law distributions have been found in the stock prices, we know that a small number of stocks are having strong influence over the entire market, and we therefore propose that stocks corresponding to nodes of high degrees can be used to compose a new index that can naturally and adequately reflect the market variation.

Network Construction
For each pair of stocks (nodes), we will evaluate the cross correlation of the time series of their daily stock prices, daily price returns and daily trading volumes.
Let pi(t) be the closing price of stock i on day t and vi(t) be the trading volume of stock i on day t. Then, the price return of stock i on day t, denoted by ri(t), is defined as 
Suppose xi(t) and xj(t) are the daily prices or price returns or trading volumes of stock i and stock j, respectively, over the period t=0 to N−1. We now compare the two time series with no relative delay. In other words, xi and xj are compared from i=0 to N−1 with no relative time shift. The cross correlation between xi and xj with no time shift is given by Cohen et al. (2003).
We begin with relatively large values of ρ as our objective is to construct stock networks that reflect connections of highly correlated stock price time series. It is found that the degree distributions display scale free characteristics when ρ is sufficiently large. Applying the least squares method with data points in the straight line segment of the log–log degree distribution plots, the power-law exponent is found to vary between 1 and 3. We also calculate the mean fitting error to examine the fitness of the power-law distribution over the data points.
Specifically, suppose the distribution of p(k) vs. k has been approximated by a power-law function P(k)=αeγk, and the values of α and γ can be found from any fitting method. Here, we define fitting error (ε), as follows:
For ρ below about a certain value, the networks do not show clear scale free characteristics. This is because with small ρ, the network tends to be randomly connected. In the case where ρ is high as the network so formed would connect stocks of closely resembling daily price fluctuations.

            As the stock network is scale free and displays a power-law degree distribution, we may conclude that stocks having close resemblance with a large number of other stocks are relatively few. This implies that any stock market is essentially influenced by a relatively small number of stocks. Thus new indexes that reflect on the performance of the majority stock may be defined based on a relatively small number of highly connected stocks.

1 comment:

  1. The financial paper is quite new though. Is it a coincidence that this article came after our finance microcredit?
