A network is a set of items (nodes) connected by links(edges) . In case of social networks, the nodes are representation of
actors while the edges represent relations between actors. The settings of
network analysis can be a befitting tools for analysis of organizations.Peter Sherian Dodds et al. applied this network analysis settings to gauge the robustness of an organizational network.
Construction of organizational network
In a business organization setup, the head of the company and immediate
subordinate and superior of an employee is predefined beforehand. For instance, a company may have a director,
two managers and two analysts in one department. The director would likely
report to the Chief Executive Officer, or CEO, and both managers would report
to the director. In addition, each manager may have an analyst reporting to
them. In this setup the director is the immediate subordinate of the CEO;
similarly, the managers are immediate subordinate of the director and the
analysts are immediate subordinates of the mangers. Now to model the
organizational network we represent each employee as a node and the relationships
between employees as edges. The point to note is that the immediate superior and
subordinates connection,which are always by default connected, forms the hierarchical backbone of the network with some predefined number of levels and branching ratio for each node.
Keeping this in mind the backbone of the network is framed with a given set of nodes-N, and the branching level-b for all but leaf nodes and forming the edge between the immediate superior and subordinate.Now on top of this hierarchical backbone of the network the existence of edges between two nodes which are not connected in the backbone structure is a stochastic process.
Keeping this in mind the backbone of the network is framed with a given set of nodes-N, and the branching level-b for all but leaf nodes and forming the edge between the immediate superior and subordinate.Now on top of this hierarchical backbone of the network the existence of edges between two nodes which are not connected in the backbone structure is a stochastic process.
Fig 1. Schematic of Organizational Network1 |
In this framework the distance between two nodes is defined as the
Hence probability on the existence of edges between two nodes is to be assigned; the probability that two nodes- i and j being connected is denoted by P (i, j).
Hence probability on the existence of edges between two nodes is to be assigned; the probability that two nodes- i and j being connected is denoted by P (i, j).
This way the problem of organizational structure representation is
converted into the defining the functional form of P (i, j) for all nodes i,j within the network.
To achieve the functional form of P (i, j) the following assumptions are
- The probabilistic function P(i,j) is symmetric with respect to i and j.
- Being other things equal same two persons who are more close to their common ancestors are more likely to form organizational relationship than persons being far away from their common ancestors. This assumption is in line with the assumption of homophily. So the definition of organizational distance xi,j between two nodes i and j has been introduced as follows:
for di+dj ≥2
where di, dj are are distance of the nodes i,j from their common ancestors. - As immediate subordinates and superiors are connected by default, the edge between i & j is not stochastic for di + dj=1 .
- As P (i, j) is not stochastic for di + dj=1 we are only interested in functional form of P (i, j) for di + dj ≥2
- The assumption is being other things equal for two persons having common ancestor close to the root i.e. close to the top of the company are more likely to form organizational relationship than two persons whose common ancestor is bottom down the organizational tree.
- Hence the probability P (i, j) is dependent on Di,j , the depth of their common lowest ancestor and their own depths di, dj beneath their common ancestors
- Now the probabilistic distribution P (i, j) is assumed to be decrease monotonically with both xi,j and Di,j. But these two factors will contribute differently to P (i, j). Hence two parameters ζ, λ are brought in to tune the effect of Di,j ,xi,j
As the organization structure will be dependent on the values of ζ, λ let us have a look at the four organizational
structure corresponding to the four set of marginal values of the parameter set
(ζ, λ).
Random: This set of organizational structure is
associated with the parameter set (ζ, λ) → (∞,
∞). As both ξ and λ possess very high value;
the effect of xi,j and Di,j wane down and effectively the
probability of building relation between
any two persons in the organization is
totally random and same for any two persons.
Local team: This set of organizational structure is associated
with the parameter set (ζ, λ) → (0,
∞). In this case Di,j has no effect on forming links between two persons. But xi,j
limits the possibility of growing up links severely. In fact in this case for xi,j
>0, the probability of forming links between two persons is zero. So links
are formed only if xi,j=0 between two persons. Essentially two
persons having same superior can only form team in this kind of organization.
Random interdivisional: This set of organizational structure is associated
with the parameter set (ζ, λ)→(∞,0).
As a result xi,j has no power on the probability function, rather it
is totally governed by Di,j. In this case links between two persons is formed
only if their common superior is the top of the organization. In other words,
all the members of a team belong to different divisions. The interesting part
is the probability of forming link is same for persons belonging to any two
different divisions.
This set of organizational structure is associated with the parameter
set (ζ, λ)→(0,0). Here the
probability function is constrained by both xi,j and Di,j.
In this organization setup links are formed between persons who are immediate
subordinate of the head of the organization. No culture of group formation
exists between other employees of the organization. The organization expects
the employee to work alone and all the employees report their work only to
their superiors and communication is held only at the highest level of the
tree. This is an example of pure branching hierarchical structure.
Now we consider the organizational structure for intermediate values of ζ and λ[(ζ, λ)
≈(0.5,0.5)]The probability function is dependent on
both xi,j and Di,j and it decreases with increase in
either of them. Hence groups are more likely to form between subordinate of
same superior. But that’s not the only feature. The density of linkage ebbs
away with the depth of the organization. Although this set of structure shows links
across different divisions and different ranks in term of density of links it
is much closer to the networks of core-periphery. This set of organizational
network is termed as multiscale network.
Next two types of robustness of the organizational
network is considered:
1. Congestion robustness: The robustness of the network against congestion
of messages.
2. Connectivity robustness: The
robustness in connectivity of the network against failure of nodes.
Measures of Robustness:
Congestion robustness is associated with the
probability that any given message will be processed by a given node. For node
i, let us call this probability as ρi. The
higher this probability the node the more likely to fail to process messages
within a given time-frame. As different node in the organizational network will
have different ρi,so the maximum of them i.e. ρmax over the entire organizational network is considered
as a measure
Connectivity robustness is
measured by the metric C= S/(N-Nr) where S is the size of the
largest connected component after removal of Nr nodes.
The robustness will not
only be a function of network topology, but also a function of task environment.
The task environment in case of information processing is measured by two factors:
- Rate(μ): The average number of messages initiated by each node in unit time.
- Distribution of messages(ξ):
This parameter quantifies the distribution of the recipient of a message which
initiated from a source node. Starting from a source node say, s, the desired recipient
is assumed to be distributed in proportion to exp (-x/ ξ), where x is the organizational distance. ξ =0 implies
the target node is within the unit organizational distance of the source node
and for ξ →∞ the target is randomly and uniformly spread all over the network. This parameter ξ provides a good measure of the kind of task performed in the organization.when for most of the messages ξ →0 ,which corresponds to to the target node being within the same team ,implies the task are mostly locally dependent and highly decomposable.
On the other hand, messages having high values of ξ signifies most of the tasks require involvement of different divisions of the organization meaning the tasks are not decomposable.
Analysis of Robustness
In this part the results of the author's findings is discussed.
Congestion Robustness:
The author finds out that maximum congestion centrality ρmax is minimum for multiscale network.Hence multiscale network can be thought as most efficient in terms of congestional robustness.
Fig.2:ρmax as a function of ζ & λ1
Lighter regions correspond to lower values of
Description of network:
random: ∇
local team:♢
multi scale: □
Dependence on Network Density:
The author tested the congestional robustness for different networks as a function of m-the number of edges in the network
Fig.3: ρmax as a function of network density1
Description of network:
random: ∇
local team:♢
multi scale: □
As the number edges increases ρmax eventually decreases for all types of networks. But the point to note is that for multiscale network the drop in occurs for relatively small value of m.And for core periphery network congestion centrality does not monotonically decrease, rather it exhibits oscillatory pattern with increase in m.
Dependency on Distribution of messages:
Now the congestion centrality is plotted against ξ.
Fig.4: ρmax as a function of distribution of messages1
Description of network:
random: ∇
local team:♢
multi scale: □
For ξ →0 i.e. where the messages are distributed mostly locally, congestional centrality is low for all types of networks, signifying stronger congestion robustness.Although with increase in ξ congestional centrality increases for each type of network, multiscale and coreperiphry network reveals better congestion centrality compared to other types of networks.
This result states that for organizations governed by local dependencies congestion centrality is low meaning better congestion robustness. On the other hand congestion robustness falls with increase in global dependencies and multiscale and core-periphery performs best in such environment.
Dependency on Network size:
Fig.5: ρmaxas function of Network size1
Description of network:
random: ∇
local team:♢
multi scale: □
As the number of nodes increases congestion centrality decreases before achieving a constant value. The point to note multi-scale and core periphery network the centrality decreases a lot before attaining the saturated value,but other types of networks attain the saturated level far too quickly.
Core periphery and multiscale network are found to be most efficient in term of congestion robustness. But core periphery networks exhibit instability as shown in fig.3 and they are very sensitive to the choice of parameters making them unreliable in tackling congestion attack.
Connectivity Robustness:
To measure the connectivity robustness certain nodes are removed and then the size of the largest component normalized by the size of the remaining network is considered as a measure. But the choice of order of removal of nodes is crucial. The authors found out the top-down approach of removal of nodes blows the most damaging impact on the connectivity robustness. Hence the performance under this top-down elimination of each type of network is measured.
Fig.6: connectivity robustness as function of number of nodes removed1
Description of network:
random: ∇
local team:♢
multi scale: □
As the result reveals, the random and inter-divisional networks are most robust in terms of connectivity robustness. Multiscale networks produces similar result as that of random network until the bottom ranks are removed.Local team network are the most vulnerable because in such organizational network the links between two employees are formed only if they have common superior hence one person at the top makes the way for the the link between two division.So the removal of one person at the top of the hierarchy causes reduces the size of the connected component significantly. connectivity of the network,
Although the performance can be affected by the choice of removal strategy, all types of network performs better than the top-down removal. In all cases random network produces the superior result and ordering of the performance of different types of networks remains more or less same.
The final conclusion is that multiscale networks are most robust in term of congestion robustness, and also produces satisfactory result in terms of connectivity robustness.
1. "Information exchange and the robustness of organizational networks",Peter Sheridan Dodds, Duncan J. Watts, and Charles F. Sabel,Oct 14,2003,PNAS, vol.100, no. 21
Its a genius article written by a genius